Photo of a kitchen area decorated with various plants
This is how a kitchen with beautiful houseplants looks like

The Best Houseplants and Herbs for the Kitchen

Everywhere on TV or on social networks like Instagram, kitchens are decorated with plants. Here are our top 5 plants for the kitchen. In the following chapters, you will also find furnishing ideas and herbs that you can grow in the kitchen.

A nest fern in a white pot
A small nest fern is well suited for the kitchen

House Fern/Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)

Originally, the house fern (Asplenium nidus) comes from the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia. There, it grows mainly on trees. Although it doesn't bear flowers, it impresses with its unusual leaf shape and rich green color. It can reach a height of up to one meter but grows wider as it gets taller. It feels most comfortable in a semi-shady environment with high humidity. Strong drafts or too much sun should be avoided.
Conclusion: Due to its origin, the nest fern is perfect for the climatic conditions in the kitchen and is a real eye-catcher with its unusual leaf shape.

Flaming Katy in a clay pot
A Flaming Katy in a clay pot

Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe)

Originally, the Tillandsia comes from South America. It thrives in tropical and subtropical rainforests, but some specimens can also be found in high steppes and even deserts. This already shows the enormous adaptability of this plant. The only thing to note is that this plant needs relatively much light to thrive. So it should be placed only in bright bathrooms.
Conclusion: The Tillandsia adapts wonderfully to the conditions in the bathroom and is perfect for you if you are looking for a bathroom plant for a bright bathroom.

Impatiens in a plastic pot
Impatiens are also well suited

Impatiens (Impatiens neuguinea)

Impatiens are the result of years of breeding of Impatiens Neuguinea, which, as the name suggests, originally originates from the highlands of New Guinea. In addition to the beautiful flowers, the Impatiens also features a delicate leaf pattern. The plant is best suited to a semi-shady to shady location. However, it should not be placed in drafty areas.
Conclusion: The Impatiens impress with their flowers and leaf pattern. Thus, they are perfectly suitable as an eye-catcher in a shady, protected spot in the kitchen.

Peperomia in a white bowl
Peperomias also fit thematically perfectly into the kitchen

Peperomia (Peperomia)

Originally, peperomias (Peperomia) come from South America and the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. The unusual form of the leaves and the rather compact growth style makes Peperomia the perfect houseplant for the kitchen. They prefer a bright location but do not require direct sunlight. They should be protected from drafts.
Conclusion: Peperomias are suitable for a bright, protected location in the kitchen with relatively constant temperature.

Baby's tears in a white clay bowl
A small, lush baby's tears also feels comfortable in the kitchen.

Baby's tears (Soleirolia soleirolii)

Originally, Baby's tears (Soleirolia soleirolii) come from Mallorca, Corsica, Elba, and Sardinia. A bright location is important for the plant; otherwise, the stems become too long, and the leaf canopy becomes patchy. Otherwise, this evergreen houseplant impresses with its sympathetic, lush growth.
Conclusion: Baby's tears are perfect for a bright location on the kitchen window.

Furnishing Ideas

Cacti in a white rectangular bowl
In this style, you could set up a cactus corner

Cactus Corner

A low-maintenance cactus corner adds a green, natural touch to your kitchen that requires little attention.

Which Plants are Particularly Suitable for the Kitchen Window?

If you are specifically looking for plants for the window in your kitchen, it is important to know in which direction the window is oriented so that you know whether it is a full sun, partial shade, or shady location. You should also note whether the light incidence is affected by other plants outside the window or buildings. Then select a suitable plant according to the lighting conditions. Of course, you should also ensure that your chosen plant isn't too large and fits on the windowsill.

Flowers as Houseplants in the Kitchen

Some flowers or flowering plants are also suitable as houseplants in the kitchen. In the following list, the Flaming Katy and Impatiens are examples of this.

Hanging Plants in the Kitchen

If you want to green your kitchen with hanging plants, that is, of course, also possible. However, make sure that the plant isn’t placed too close to the stove or oven. The hot air and grease can damage the plant over a long period, causing it to die. A variety of furnishing ideas and examples of suitable hanging plants can be found in our article on hanging plants.
to the hanging plants

Which Plants Look Beautiful in the Kitchen and can be Well Decorated?

Unfortunately, this question is not so easy to answer. It depends very much on whether you use your kitchen frequently or if it is rarely used, like in a kitchen showroom, and located in a large room. When choosing a houseplant for the kitchen, some points should be considered. Due to the warmer climate and frequent steam, plants should be chosen that prefer these conditions. Depending on your preference, various green or flowering plants suit the kitchen wonderfully. Also, consider whether you want to purchase a plant for a bright or dark kitchen. Herbs should definitely not be missing in the kitchen, but they should be chosen so that they can thrive well in the kitchen and bring you joy for a long time instead of slowly dying.

Summary for Those in a Hurry:

Kitchen Herbs

Herbs are also very suitable because you can use them directly for cooking or refining dishes. These are popular herbs for the kitchen.


With basil, you can refine Italian dishes particularly well. Alternatively, you can also dry it very well to use it later or process it into a delicious pesto. The herb needs quite a lot of sun and nutrient-rich soil. Therefore, you should choose a location near a window. If you bought the basil in a plastic pot, it is worthwhile repotting it as soon as possible; otherwise, it will quickly run out of nutrients. Also, ensure that the plant soil always stays slightly moist.


Oregano is also a Mediterranean spice. It is wonderful for pizza or tomato sauces and gives the dish a spicy note. The herb is not as demanding as basil and also survives longer dry periods.


Parsley is especially popular as a soup herb, but it also adds a pleasant basic flavor to all other savory dishes. The plant prefers a partial shade location. Be careful not to water the parsley too much as it is very sensitive to waterlogging.


The kitchen herb is perfect for potatoes or dishes with eggs . As a houseplant, it is only suitable if it gets a spot on the windowsill and has enough space in its pot to spread. Then the plant can keep growing, and you can always use individual stalks to refine your dishes. You should also repot the chives as soon as possible after purchasing if they came in a small plastic pot.


Thyme can be finely grated or ground to refine mushroom dishes, pasta, and potato dishes. Since this herb also has a Mediterranean origin, it needs a lot of sun and thrives best outdoors. On the windowsill, the plant gets enough light and can thrive well if it has enough space. This space is necessary because the branches quickly grow wide.

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