Cozy room full of plants
Cozy room full of plants

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Here's what you should look out for when buying a new houseplant

The right houseplant for the right location

Every houseplant has different requirements for its location. Decisive factors here are the indoor climate and the light conditions that the plant needs to thrive.

Indoor climate

While some places in your home have a fairly constant temperature of around 21°C, the temperature in the kitchen or bathroom fluctuates greatly. Before you decide to place a houseplant in a particular room, you should find out whether the plant will be happy with the temperatures there.

Light conditions Plant location
Light conditions Plant location

Location 1 - Direct sunlight - Very bright

An undarkened south-facing window is the brightest position in the room.

Location 2 - shaded south-facing window - bright

The location, which is actually very bright due to the south-facing window, is shaded by a tree, for example.

Location 3 - free west window - bright

The west-facing window is bright all day and brings direct sunlight with the evening sun.

Location 4 - North window - Medium brightness

An open north-facing window provides subdued light throughout the day, but never direct sunlight.

Location 5 - Corner without window - Weak light

In a corner that has no window, the lighting conditions are poor.

Location 6 - free east window - very bright

An open east-facing window provides light and direct morning sun all day long.

Location 7 - obstructed east window - weak light

The east window, which is actually bright, becomes a rather dark location due to a neighboring building.

Houseplants with special abilities

Air-purifying houseplants
Air-purifying houseplants

Air-purifying houseplants

Furniture, carpets, electrical appliances, floors, chipboard, paints and much more produce toxic gases in our homes. Some plants can absorb and bind these through their leaves. Others release the toxins into the soil through the roots, where they are absorbed by tiny microbes as nutrients, which can then be used by the plant. This is confirmed by a study by NASA (US space agency, John C. Stennis Space Center) Formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene are just a few examples of toxic gases that some plants can extract from indoor air. These super plants can also neutralize cigarette smoke.

Sound-absorbing houseplants
Sound-absorbing houseplants

Sound-absorbing houseplants

Houseplants are great for room acoustics. Due to the shape of the leaves, the sound is refracted differently than on a flat surface and thus dampened. The denser the leaves and the larger the plant, the greater its sound-absorbing ability. Just a few plants in the right places can lead to an enormous improvement in the noise level.

Soothing houseplants
Soothing houseplants

Calming, stress-reducing houseplants

A study from the UK proves that houseplants have a positive effect. It followed 10,000 people over 18 years and proved that access to nature has a positive effect on our psyche. Plants with soft, calm shapes have a particularly relaxing effect. Together with the natural green color, they calm our minds and ensure a better sense of well-being. Essential oils are extracted from some plants. These are used in many types of tea, but also in ointments. However, as some of these plants have strong odors of their own, this should be carefully considered.

Let us save your houseplant!

How and why does a houseplant get sick?

Unfortunately, diseases in houseplants are common, as each plant has different requirements and is not in its natural environment. In addition, the container sometimes severely limits root development. These are some common causes of diseases:

  • Mushrooms
  • Bacteria
  • Lack of light
  • Temperatur
  • Water supply
  • Nutrient deficiency or excess (fertilization)
  • Incorrect processing of the plant

How did you recognize that the plant was sick?

On the leaves

Plant with brown leaves
Plant with brown leaves

On the ground

Plant soil
Plant soil


Plant pests
Plant pests

Let us save your houseplant!

How and why does a houseplant get sick?

Unfortunately, diseases in houseplants are common, as each plant has different requirements and is not in its natural environment. In addition, the container sometimes severely limits root development. These are some common causes of diseases:

  • Mushrooms
  • Bacteria
  • Lack of light
  • Temperatur
  • Water supply
  • Nutrient deficiency or excess (fertilization)
  • Incorrect processing of the plant

Inspiration and furnishing ideas for greener rooms

Furnishing ideas with large plants

Large houseplant standing next to a sofa as a room divider
Large houseplant standing next to a sofa as a room divider
Medium-sized houseplant on a side table next to a couch
Plant looks bigger on a side table

Plant as a room divider

A large plant can be placed perfectly next to a settee or sofa. In addition to being a great eye-catcher, the sofa will no longer stand naked in the room. When you're sitting on the sofa, the plant, which you can see out of the corner of your eye, gives the room a lovely sense of security. The loose, natural structure of the plant makes this furnishing idea much more tasteful than a shelf as a room divider, for example. This style is very easy to implement and looks great even in a sparsely furnished home.
[TIP] Is the houseplant a little too small and looks a little lost next to the sofa? Then simply place it on a small side table.

Large houseplant standing next to a sofa as a room divider
Large houseplant standing next to a sofa as a room divider

Color accent in front of plain furniture

A larger houseplant looks particularly beautiful as a splash of color in front of plain furniture. Combined with a stylish pot, it creates a friendly overall impression.
[TIP] If the plant needs a lot of light, it is perfect to place it in front of a mirror as shown in the picture. This way you have twice as much light and the plant has enough light to thrive.

Furnishing ideas Plants at the desk

Small plants in white pots on a desk with a PC
Small plants actually fit on any desk
Desk with screen on which there are lots of plants
Things have escalated a bit here

Plants as a contrast to digital work on the PC

The contrast to the digital world is softened by a little green at the desk. The shape and color of natural plants are also proven to relax and keep the stress caused by work at bay. Plant lovers also have the advantage of being able to see and enjoy their favorites all day long. The amount of greenery on your desk is up to you.

Furnishing ideas with hanging plants

Hanging plants on a black cabinet
Hanging plants hanging down from a black cabinet

Hanging plants on shelves

A hanging plant on a shelf makes a great picture as it grows downwards. Such a plant looks particularly good on a dark piece of furniture. With this furnishing idea, however, care should be taken to ensure that the plant receives enough light to grow.

More hanging plants for the room
Hanging plants on a shelf by the window
Hanging plants on a shelf by the window

Hanging plants on shelves

Many houses have a shelf above large windows. Hanging plants feel particularly at home here, as they get plenty of light to grow due to their proximity to the window. With several plants, this furnishing idea also provides a natural privacy screen. The furnishing in the picture shows a green corner with comfortable seating for relaxing and reading.

More hanging plants for the room


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