Close-up of an aloe vera being poured directly into the substrate with a watering can
An aloe vera that is poured directly into the substrate with a watering can.

How to water your aloe vera correctly

That Real Aloe (Aloe Vera) is a succulent and therefore requires relatively little water. Nevertheless, you should make sure that you water the aloe with the right frequency and use the right amount of water. Otherwise, your plant may die if watered incorrectly, either due to waterlogging, disease or drought. Watering is an important part of caring for plants, as they need water to transport nutrients to the leaves and, conversely, to return nutrients from the leaves to the inside of the plant.

Watering aloe vera correctly - A summary for those in a hurry:

So as not to keep you too long, here is a quick overview of how to fertilize an aloe.

How often does aAloe Verawere gossen?

In spring and summer, you should water the aloe vera about twice a week. In winter, it is sufficient to water the aloe vera once every 2 weeks. The following table gives you an overview.

SeasonPouring frequency
SpringWater 1-2 times a week
SommerWater 2 times a week
AutumnWater 1 time per week
WinterWater 1 time every 2 weeks

Be sure to prevent your aloe vera from getting too much water

DieAloe Veracan significantly better with a phase with Too little water get along, als mit Too much water . If there is an undersupply of water, the outer leaves of the plant slowly turn reddish-brown. However, the plant does not die but can recover. The situation is different if the plant has received too much water. Once the roots start to rot, the aloe is difficult to save.

The perfect watering rhythm also depends on these factors:

How should an aloe vera be watered?

A true aloe should always be watered directly into the substrate, i.e. into the soil, using a watering can. Alternatively, you can also water into the saucer of the aloe vera if it is sufficiently rooted. The substrate and root system of the plant will ensure a sufficient water supply. Please do not do this: Water aloe vera from above onto the leaves. This can cause waterlogging at the base of the leaves, which can lead to rotting and cause the plant to die.

Close-up of an aloe vera being poured directly into the substrate with a watering can
How to water aloe vera correctly.
Close-up of an aloe vera being poured into the center of the plant
Aloe vera should not be watered in this way.

Basic rules for watering an aloe vera plant

Better too little water than too much.

It is a succulent that does not mind longer dry periods without water.

Water especially carefully if your pot does not have a drain.

It is best not to use a planter for your aloe vera, but a saucer or saucer so that the excess water can always drain away easily. Too much water will quickly kill your plant.

Water requirements of an aloe vera depending on the season

The water requirements of houseplants change with the seasons. Even if the air in the room is roughly the same temperature all year round, it is often warmer near the window in summer and colder in winter. The lack of sun during the winter means that less water evaporates from the surface of the substrate, which is why you should water the plant less to avoid waterlogging. In summer, on the other hand, the dark substrate heats up and considerably more water evaporates from both the soil and the leaves of the plant. For this reason, you should water the plant more frequently and more abundantly in summer.

Watering aloe vera in spring

In summer, aloe vera should be watered about twice a week. It needs the most water during this period. If the plant is not watered, the substrate will be dry, which will inhibit the plant's growth. However, as aloe vera is a succulent plant, it will not die during dry periods, as sufficient moisture is stored in the gel and sap of the plant for dry periods.

Watering aloe vera in summer

As aloe vera is a succulent plant, it can be grown with Cacti or succulent fertilizers are supplied with nutrients. If you want to use the leaves of aloe vera for cosmetic or culinary purposes, you should use pure aloe vera leaves. organic fertilizer use. Otherwise chemical residues may remain in the leaves the leaves and thus in the juice and pulp of the aloe vera.

Watering aloe vera in the fall

In the fall, the aloe vera should be watered about once a week. The plant adapts to winter in the fall and requires less water. If the plant is watered too often in the fall, the excess moisture in the substrate can cause waterlogging. This damages the roots of the plant, causing them to rot. If this happens, the aloe has no way of absorbing water and the nutrients it contains and the plant dies.

Watering aloe vera in winter

In winter, the aloe vera should be watered approximately every two to three weeks. Bear in mind that this is a succulent plant, which in its natural environment is used to having very little water available for some time. Dryness in winter does not harm the plant and prevents root rot and mold growth on the surface of the substrate.

Water requirement depending on the substrate used

The substrate in which you have placed your aloe vera is also a decisive factor when it comes to the plant's water requirements. The substrate does not change the amount of moisture required by the plant, but it is decisive for how the water behaves in the plant's pot. If, for example, expanded clay or a very sandy substrate is chosen, this will provide good drainage. The advantage of this is that the water can be well distributed in the substrate and waterlogging can be avoided. The disadvantage of such a substrate is that it contains fewer nutrients. Fertilizer may therefore have to be added to the irrigation water. Tip: It is best to use cactus or succulent soil for aloe vera. A peaty substrate is the opposite of a very sandy substrate. It can store water and nutrients for a long time and prevents moisture from evaporating quickly. It also contains considerably more nutrients. However, there is a risk of waterlogging due to the standing water, which is why this type of substrate is less suitable for aloe vera.

Aloe vera leaves on which water droplets form due to high humidity
Aloe vera high humidity

Water requirement depending on the room climate

The indoor climate also has an influence on the water requirements of an aloe vera. The location of your plant should match the requirements that the aloe vera has for a suitable location. The information on the frequency of watering refers to a room temperature of 21 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of around 50%. If the air in your room is drier or warmer, you should increase the frequency of watering slightly. If your room has a more humid or cooler climate, as is the case in the bathroom, for example, you should water the plant a little less often.

Aloe vera that has been watered too much
Aloe vera that has been watered too much

This is how you can tell if you are watering your aloe vera too much

It is not always easy to recognize when the aloe vera has too much water available. These tips will help you.

Has the aloe vera been watered too much? Here's how you can tell.

  • If you prick the soil with your thumb, it feels muddy
  • Light pressure on the soil causes water to swell on the substrate
  • Water collects in the saucer (for pots with drainage holes)
  • Water flows out of the pot when the plant is tilted (for pots without drainage holes)
  • The aloe vera gets brown spots in the center of the plant

Why does aloe vera die if it is watered too much?

The true aloe suffers from too much water, as neither the leaves nor the roots can withstand permanent moisture and therefore begin to rot. This manifests itself in rotting leaves or root rot, which is less easy to recognize. If your aloe vera is suffering from root rot, it may well look as if it has received too little water and is turning brown as a result. It is best to test the moisture of the soil with your finger. If the soil is wet, root rot is likely.

What can be done about root rot caused by excessive watering?

The only way you can save your aloe vera is by repotting it. Make sure that the new substrate has good water permeability. Examples of this are hydroponics or sandy soils such as succulent soil.

This is how you can tell that you are not watering your aloe vera enough

It is not always easy to recognize when the aloe vera has too little water available. These tips will help you.

Aloe vera was watered too little? Here's how you can tell.

Which water is good for aloe vera?

Aloe vera is quite undemanding when it comes to the quality of the irrigation water. However, rainwater is best, as it does not contain lime or additives such as chlorine. In most regions, however, conventional tap water is perfectly adequate.

What you should bear in mind when watering young plants

With a young aloe vera plant, you should make sure that it always has enough moisture. Its root ball is still very small and is not well connected to the substrate, especially after repotting in a new pot. If the plant is in dry soil for too long, the roots can dry out and the plant will no longer be able to absorb moisture.


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