Aloe vera plant in a clay pot in front of a white wan in the sun
This is what an aloe vera looks like

Aloe Vera
Information on the plant, care and use

You will find a brief summary of the most important information here.

  • Die Aloe vera is a succulent plant and belongs to the asparagus family.
  • As a houseplant, the aloe vera 70 cm large. Even larger specimens can be found in the wild.
  • The plant blooms in spring with clustered flowers . The flowers are red, orange or yellow.
  • The desert lily is watered once a week in summer . In winter, the aloe is watered approx. every 2 weeks.
  • The true aloe is fertilized with succulent fertilizer . There are various options for this, such as fertilizer sticks or liquid fertilizer.
  • Repotting should be done when the roots grow out of the bottom of the pot . The new pot should be 4 cm larger in diameter.
  • Die Aloe vera is propagated by child . Propagation by cutting off a leaf is not possible.
  • As earth is Succulent earth optimal . In general, care should be taken to ensure that the soil has good water permeability. This can be ensured with a proportion of sand. Nutrient-rich soil is not required.
  • The aloe does not tolerate frost . The location for the plant should therefore be frost-free. The plant likes very bright light. In a full sun location, the leaves will change color, but this will not harm the plant. A bright, not full sun location is ideal.
  • Aloe vera gel can be extracted from the leaves of the plant . You can find detailed instructions on how it works besthere.
  • A cut off Leaves of the plant can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen . Refrigerated, it will keep for about 8 weeks. Frozen, the leaf will keep for 8 months.

Information about the plant

In this section you will find basic information about aloe vera. We describe its Properties , possible uses and care tips.

Classification of aloe vera in the plant world

Aloe vera belongs to the Order of asparagus-like plants. The Latin name for this is "Asparagales". Plants of this order are often used as ornamental plants for parks or private gardens, but also used as cut flowers. It is also striking that most of the 14 families belonging to this order are used as medicinal plants, as is the case with aloe.
Furthermore, the Aloe vera belongs to the grass family. The Latin name for this is "Xanthorrhoeaceae". The matching Subfamily are the Affodillaceae which are called "Asphodeloideae" in Latin.
The genus in which the plant is classified is the aloes. In addition to the true aloe, there are over 500 other species in this genus. The genus is characterized by a stem axis in the middle of the plant, around which the mostly fleshy leaves are arranged in a chain, two-pointed or dissected form.
Die species is the true aloe. The term was translated from Latin and is called Aloe Vera here . It is one of the most popular green plants in many countries.

Descent and origin

The exact origin of aloe vera cannot be traced back exactly. However, it is likely that the plant originates from the Arabian Peninsula . Today, the plant is cultivated in all subtropical and tropical regions of the world. The plant is also increasingly being cultivated in countries in the Mediterranean region, India and the Indian islands and in Mexico.

Growth habit and size

An aloe vera can grow up to 70 cm tall. To keep the plant smaller, which is useful when keeping it as a houseplant, for example, the outer leaves can simply be removed. can simply be removed. The growth of the plant is stemless. The fleshy leaves grow directly from the center of the plant. In this way, the leaves constantly form new rosettes. The growing leaves are fleshy and contain aloe vera gel. Small spines grow on the edge of the leaves.


Aloe vera can only be expected to flower from the age of three. The plant also needs to be well cared for. It has been shown that a cool but frost-free overwintering period is is conducive to the flowering of the desert lily.
If the right conditions are in place the succulent flowers annually in early spring between March and May. The flower shape is tubular in racemes. The flower grows from the center of the plant in an upright inflorescence on which the individual flowers then form. The plant's flowers can be admired for several weeks. This is because not all the flowers on the inflorescence bloom at the same time but open one after the other.

Pests and diseases

The plant is robust and not susceptible to pests or diseases. The only cause that makes it look as if the plant is ill is overwatering and the resulting waterlogging. This quickly leads to root rot, which then causes the plant to die. However, this can easily be prevented with the right substrate and the right amount of watering.

How old does an aloe vera plant grow?

Up to 100 years old can become the desert lily. With the right care, it can also grow very old as a houseplant. You also have the option of propagating the plant so that you have an aloe vera forever, so to speak.

Aloe vera care

In principle, aloe vera is an easy-care houseplant. Nevertheless, there are a few points you should bear in mind to ensure that the plant thrives. Here is an overview of the most important care information:

Close-up of an aloe vera being poured directly into the substrate with a watering can
An aloe vera that is poured directly into the substrate with a watering can.

How to water your aloe vera correctly

In summer, aloe vera should be watered twice a week. In winter, watering once every two weeks is sufficient.

The true aloe ( aloe vera ) is a succulent plant and therefore requires relatively little water. Nevertheless, you should make sure to water the aloe with the right frequency and use the right amount of water. Otherwise, your plant may die if watered incorrectly, either due to waterlogging, disease or drought. Watering is an important part of caring for plants, as they need water to transport nutrients to the leaves and, conversely, to return nutrients from the leaves to the inside of the plant.

Learn all about watering an aloe vera
A properly fertilized aloe vera in a clay pot
This is what a properly fertilized aloe vera looks like

Fertilize aloe vera correctly

Aloe vera should be fertilized every 2 weeks in spring and summer if you want the plant to grow as quickly as possible. Succulent fertilizer is the perfect fertilizer. It gives the aloe all the nutrients it needs to grow and thrive. Make sure that you do not fertilize the plant too much. Unfortunately, the saying "a lot helps a lot" does not apply here. Excessive fertilization hinders plant growth. Fertilization methods include liquid fertilizer, solid fertilizer and fertilizer sticks. You can find out about the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods in our detailed article on fertilizing aloe vera.

Learn all about fertilizing an aloe vera
Aloe vera in a small pot next to the pot into which it is to be repotted
This aloe vera should be repotted

Repotting aloe vera. A step-by-step guide with helpful tips.

An aloe vera should be repotted as soon as the roots penetrate the holes in the bottom of the pot. The new pot should be about 4 cm larger in diameter than the old pot. We have created a step-by-step guide on the correct procedure for repotting an aloe vera. This also contains useful tips on repotting aloe vera that you may not yet know.

Instructions for repotting an aloe vera
Aloe vera seedling in a yellow pot held in one hand against a green background
Aloe vera seedling placed in its own pot

Propagate aloe vera

There are various methods of propagating aloe vera on the internet. These include propagation by seed, propagation by leaf cuttings and propagation by suckers. Since aloe vera only rarely flowers in our latitudes, propagation by seed is not really a suitable method. Propagation by leaf cuttings works even worse. In the often short articles in which the propagation of an aloe vera by leaf cuttings is shown, the leaves are simply cut off and more or less stuck directly into moist soil. directly into moist soil. We have tested various methods with leaf cuttings. None of them were successful.
The only sensible method of propagating an aloe vera is by means of offspring that grow on the mother plant. From a size of 3-4 cm, this can be carefully separated from the mother plant and placed in its own pot. You can find out exactly how you should go about propagating your aloe vera by means of sprouts in our detailed article on the subject.

The different methods for propagating aloe veraInstructions for propagating an aloe vera plant by means of a sprout
Original place of aloe vera in the desert
Original place of aloe vera in the desert

Aloe vera soil - Which one does the plant prefer?

Succulent soil is very suitable for the plant. The soil has a high sand content, which ensures good water permeability of the substrate. This prevents waterlogging and root rot. As aloe vera does not require nutrient-rich soil, it does not need any special soil. The true aloe (aloe vera) is a succulent plant that is used to nutrient-poor soil due to its origin. This is located on the Arabian Peninsulas, which are dry tropics. It is advisable to recreate the soil there for the aloe vera in your home. You can also make the substrate yourself. A mixture of sand and composted soil is well suited for this. The exact composition and substrate requirements of the desert lily can be found in the article on soil for aloe vera.

Everything about the right soil for aloe vera
Aloe vera in the perfect location
Aloe vera in the perfect location

Everything you need to know about the right location for an aloe vera plant

Have you bought an aloe vera and don't know where to put it, or is your plant doing badly in its current location? Time for a change of location! But where? Here is an overview of the most important things:

  • Aloe vera does not tolerate frost and therefore cannot be kept outside all year round
  • Aloe vera likes a lot of sun, but the tips of the leaves can dry out if exposed to direct sunlight for too long
  • Excessive moisture damages the plant. So it's better to water a little less
  • The perfect location for an aloe vera is in the conservatory. Here the desert lily gets enough sun, is protected from frost and is warm.
  • In summer, a sunny spot in the garden is also suitable. Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to turn slightly reddish. However, this is completely normal and does not harm the plant.
Everything you need to know about the right location for an aloe vera plant
Aloe vera with a brown tip
This is what brown tips look like with aloe vera

Brown leaves on an aloe vera

Even if the plant is well cared for, the aloe may develop brown leaves or brown tips. Too much sun or heat is a possible cause of brown, dried leaf tips. However, the brown tips are not fundamentally detrimental to the health of the plant. If you want to prevent brown tips in the future, move the plant to a less sunny or hot location. A sudden change of location from a darker spot can also trigger brown tips. In future, make sure that you gradually acclimatize the plant to the conditions of the new location. Another cause may be a lack of water.
However, if the leaves become brown and muddy, too much water may be the cause. If root rot has already set in, it will be difficult to save the plant. You can find out more about this in our article on brown leaves and tips on an aloe vera plant. A location that is too dark can also be the cause of muddy brown leaves. In this case, move the plant to a lighter location and wait to see if it recovers.

Everything you need to know about brown leaves and tips on aloe vera
Aloe vera leaf cut up
Overall, the aloe vera leaf lasts the longest.

How you should store aloe vera leaves

It is best to keep an aloe vera leaf whole. This way, most of the leaf is naturally protected by the skin. Cuts cause the leaf to dry out more quickly and are often the place where the leaf spoils. Make sure that you place the cut leaf vertically in a glass or similar for a few hours before storing it. This allows the aloin-containing juice to run off. The leaf is best kept in the fridge or frozen. The leaf will keep for about 8 weeks in the fridge. The structure of the aloe vera gel remains largely unchanged. Frozen, the leaf will keep for up to 8 months. After thawing, however, the structure of the gel changes so that it no longer forms a homogeneous mass on its own.

Everything you need to store an aloe vera leaf
Home-made aloe vera gel in a glass in front of an aloe vera plant
This is what the home-made aloe vera gel looks like at the end.

Make your own aloe vera gel. This is the best method.

Did you know that you can easily harvest the gel from an aloe vera plant yourself? In this article you will find a video and step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

Instructions for making aloe vera gel
Aloe vera plant as a product
You can buy beautiful specimens as a product here

Aloe Vera - The product at our partner store.

We have a partner store where you can buy an aloe vera. When you purchase an aloe vera, we receive a sales commission. The plant will not be more expensive for you.

Click here for the product *

Aloe Vera Saft

Aloe vera juice has always been popular. It can be drunk as well as used for skin care. Have you ever wondered how the juice is extracted from the plant? The juice is extracted from the gel of the aloe vera leaf. Care is taken to ensure that the aloin-containing juice is completely drained.

Aloe vera and its use and effect on the skin

The plant is said to be a medicinal plant. It is therefore widely used in skin care. This has only been proven to a limited extent. The use of aloe vera on the skin is popular, for example for sunburn or minor burns. This involves harvesting an aloe vera leaf and then waiting until the aloin-containing juice has run off. The aloe vera leaf is then cut open and the inside is rubbed over the skin so that the aloe vera gel is spread over the skin. The effect is cooling and in some cases skin-soothing due to the moisture of the gel. The gel is also used to moisturize the skin. However, care should be taken with wounds. It should therefore only be used on wounds in consultation with a doctor. Please note: Discuss the effect with your dermatologist or GP. Allergic reactions may occur. Then the effect is no longer cooling but the skin becomes irritated.

The most common uses of aloe vera on the skin
  • Cooling treatment for insect bites
  • Treatment for minor burns
  • Cooling treatment for sunburns

When using the green plant, make sure that you do not apply aloin to your skin. Aloin is a poisonous sap contained in the leaf. The aloin can be removed from the leaf by standing the cut leaf on end. The poisonous yellow leaf juice will then run off. To be on the safe side, remove the bottom part of the leaf afterwards.

Have you been lying in the sun in the garden for too long and got a sunburn? You can use a sliced aloe vera leaf to cool it down. The gel soothes the skin and has a cooling effect.

Aloe vera products and their ingredients

The gel from the plant is often processed into cosmetic products. In most cases, little remains of the plant's ingredients, which are important for the application. Often, the raw products can simply be used.

Further applications in cosmetics, for example for hair or skin care.

Aloe vera is used in a wide variety of hair products. The most common include shampoos, conditioners and conditioning sprays. The cactus-like succulent is also popular in cosmetics, especially in natural cosmetics, along with many other well-known herbs. It is also said to promote health.

Frequently asked questions about aloe vera

Questions about the aloe vera plant keep coming up. Below you will find answers to the most frequently frequently asked questions.

How big does an aloe vera grow?

As a houseplant, the aloe vera grows to a height of 70 cm. Even larger specimens can be found in the wild. An aloe vera in the wild can grow up to 90 cm tall.

When does an aloe vera flower?

The plant blooms in spring with flowers clustered in clusters. The flowers are red, orange or yellow. In order for the aloe to flower, optimal conditions must be provided. In mid-latitudes, there is usually not enough sun for the plant to flower. Even young plants cannot be expected to flower.

How often does an aloe vera need to be watered?

In spring and summer, aloe vera needs to be watered twice a week. In winter, however, it is sufficient to water the plant every 2 weeks. Make sure that the bottom of the pot water does not accumulate at the bottom of the pot, which can lead to root rot.

How is aloe vera fertilized?

Aloe vera is fertilized with succulent fertilizer. There are the options of liquid fertilization, as well as fertilization with solid fertilizer or fertilizer sticks.

When should an aloe vera be repotted?

An aloe vera should be repotted when the roots protrude from the holes in the bottom of the pot. As a rule of thumb, the plant should be repotted every 2 years.

What pot size for repotting an aloe vera?

The new pot into which the plant is potted should be approx. 4 centimeters larger in diameter than the old pot.

How can an aloe vera be propagated?

The best way to propagate an aloe vera plant is via offspring, which are separated from the mother plant. The sprouts should have reached a size of 4 cm before they are placed in their own pot.

Which soil is suitable for aloe vera?

Succulent soil is very suitable. You can make your own substrate by mixing sand with composted soil. It is important that the substrate has good water permeability.

Which location is suitable for an aloe vera plant?

The plant does not tolerate frost. A frost-free location is therefore necessary. The aloe likes a bright and warm spot. A sunny, bright location is ideal.

How should an aloe vera leaf be stored?

A cut leaf will last the longest if it is frozen. The leaf can then be used for 8 months. An alternative is to store it in the fridge. The leaf will keep for approx. 8 weeks.


We hope we have been able to answer your questions and help you with this article.
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