Aloe vera in the perfect location
Aloe vera in the perfect location

Everything you need to know about the right location for an aloe vera plant

You have aAloe Veraand don't know where to put it, or your plant is doing badly in its current location? Time for a change of location! But where? Here is an overview of the most important things:

  • Aloe vera does not tolerate frost and therefore cannot be kept outside all year round
  • Aloe vera likes a lot of sun, but the tips of the leaves can dry out if exposed to direct sunlight for too long
  • Excessive moisture damages the plant. So it's better to water a little less
Original location of aloe vera in the desert
Original location of aloe vera in the desert

Climate at the place of origin of aloe vera

The exact origin of theAloe Verahas not yet been fully researched. It is thought that the plant comes from the Arabian Peninsula. This area is dominated by deserts. The climate is very hot and dry. Aloe vera has adapted to these climatic conditions:

  • Extremely high temperatures
    Temperatures in the desert can reach up to 55 degrees.
  • Strong temperature fluctuations
    At night, it is only around 5 degrees in the desert. That means a temperature fluctuation of 50 degrees.
  • Aloe vera is therefore used to high temperatures and dryness from its country of origin.

What is the right location for aloe vera in winter?

Aloe vera does not tolerate frost. In mid-latitudes, aloe vera cannot be kept outside all year round and should be kept indoors or in a conservatory in winter. The minimum temperature that the location should have in winter is 10°C. The plant is best kept at temperatures of 15°C. A location in a south-facing window or east-facing window is also suitable for an aloe vera.

Can aloe vera be kept indoors?

Aloe vera can be kept indoors However, make sure that the plant receives enough light. A place on a south or east-facing window or on a windowsill is a very good location for the aloe vera.

What temperatures does aloe vera tolerate and what temperatures does it like best?

Aloe vera does not tolerate frost. The minimum temperature is therefore 1°C. The plant is used to a desert climate. With sufficient humidity, it can tolerate temperatures of up to 55°C. Aloe vera feels most comfortable between 20-35°C.

What is the optimum humidity for aloe vera?

Aloe vera likes high humidity. This is because the plant was cultivated in tropical and subtropical climate zones. The bathroom, for example, is a suitable location for an aloe vera. However, make sure that no water collects in the middle of the aloe vera. Otherwise the plant may rot at this point. You should also choose a substrate that tolerates a lot of moisture and does not form mold.

What is aloe vera sensitive to in terms of location?


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